How do you balance being eco-friendly and yet still keep your family safe from germs? You’ve most likely heard about anti-microbial soaps and how some germs have become resistant. In the kitchen, there is a solution! In the book Organic Housekeeping by Ellen Sandbeck, I read about her “dual spray program”. She keeps two spray bottles handy – one with vinegar and a dark colored one with 3% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). The dark bottle is for the hydrogen peroxide, which needs to be kept away from light so it doesn’t break down.
How does it work?
When the hydrogen peroxide is exposed to light, heat, or organic materials it releases its extra oxygen, so that pure water and oxygen are produced. Micro-organisms find pure oxygen to be exceedingly toxic. You can actually see the reaction as the hydrogen peroxide bubbles! In Sandbeck’s book, she states that hydrogen peroxide kills 100x as many bacteria as vinegar, but when used in conjunction 10x more bacteria were killed as the hydrogen peroxide alone. Continue reading “A Naturally Germ-Free Kitchen”