A friend asked me the other day what I fed my worms. When I explained that they got most of our kitchen produce scraps she wanted specifics, so I decided I would let all my readers know through pictures.
Vermicomposting is a green way of getting rid of your kitchen scraps. It is quicker than composting and can be done on a smaller scale indoors.
First, I checked the worms. They looked healthy and happy.
Next I added some romaine lettuce that had gone smushy.
Then, four ears of corn that had been pushed to the back of the fridge, forgotten about, and gone soft.
Finally, I added the contents of my counter compost bin. This included some moldy raspberries, old bean sprouts, a tomato from the garden with a soft spot, a tea bag, and some vegetable peelings that were almost a week old and unrecognizable.
Before I closed the bin, I added bedding. Our trees drop leaves all year round,
so naturally this is never a problem for us.