New and Novel Uses…

Some of my favorite conversations with customers happen when they tell me how they’ve used our products in ways we hadn’t even thought of!

The other day a customer commented that she’d had a knee replacement and as a result had one spot on her leg where the nerves didn’t heal quite right. She had some numbness and the worst part was it itched terribly, especially at night. She happened to have some of our Ditch the Itch Poison Ivy Salve on hand, so one night she tried it on the spot when the itchiness was particularly bad. She immediately felt relief and was able to sleep at last, after being kept up due to the itching. She now keeps her Ditch the Itch next to her bed!

Another customer uses a compression sleeve and has found our deodorant helps relieve chafing from the sleeve. She just applies the deodorant to the uncomfortable spots before she pulls the sleeve on (or after it’s been on a bot if she forgets). Other clients have found our deodorant to be helpful in areas where skin touches skin and causes sweating and chafing, especially in the summer.

A third customer found herself with a sore backside after a long first day on a European biking tour. She happened to have a roller of Mary Jane’s Last Pain in her first aid kit and found it worked to relieve the discomfort and she was able to ride again the next day.

Many customers have told us they use our body butters on their chapped noses and lips during cold weather or during illness. I did that myself after I couldn’t find my Gardener’s Salve during my last cold!

How do you use our products? We’d love to learn about your discoveries!

Lip Service

Product Review of Bubble Goddess Bath Company’s Mint Intention Lip Balm

Winter is a hard time of year for people with dry skin. I’m always on the lookout for natural products to keep my skin moisturized. One part of your body that is particularly hard to cover up outside in the cold is your lips. Mine are often chapped, even when I try to keep hydrated. This is why I was extremely happy to receive a package in the mail a few weeks ago.

The package contained a number of products made by a natural company called Bubble Goddess Bath Company.  I was contacted by a company consultant who offered to send me some samples to try. One of the first things I tried was the lip balm – called Mint Intention Lip Balm – and I loved it! It had a fresh mint scent that didn’t burn when I applied it, and it felt smooth.


Continue reading “Lip Service”

Did You Know?

Antiperspirants are used to inhibit sweating, but when you stop to think about it the practice seems counterintuitive. One of the purposes of sweating is to remove toxins from the body. Using antiperspirants impedes this natural cleansing method. In addition, many antiperspirants contain ingredients such as aluminum chlorohydrate or aluminum zirconium. Aluminum is easily absorbed into the body and has been linked to Alzheimer’s disease and breast cancer. Once in the body, it can be absorbed into your brain, kidneys, liver, and bone marrow. Before you buy your next invisible solid scented clear dry antiperspirant stick, think about what you are putting on your skin and in your body, and what is not being let out. There are deodorants that work to keep you from offending others with BO. I have been trying different products for several years and I plan to review everything I have used, good and bad. Stay tuned or check out the “deodorant” category on this website.

Review of Terressentials Roll-on Deodorant

As I watched one of my favorite shows, Dirty Jobs, Mike Rowe went to work at Terressentials, an organic product company in nearby Middletown, MD. I watched in delight, and the next week my husband drove me to their location where I purchased some products, one of them being their Super Protection Deodorant.

The store was full of fun items, and I was like a kid in a candy store.  I knew I wanted to try their deodorant, so it was the first thing I grabbed.  I was able to smell all four of their fragrances, and the Organic Zesty Citrus scent was the one that appealed to me the most.  It is a spicy-type citrus, lemony but not in a traditional way.  The first time I applied it, it left a whitish mark as it dried, but since then it has always dried with no mark.  I would categorize this as a deodorant that dries clear. Continue reading “Review of Terressentials Roll-on Deodorant”

Review of Homestead Soap’s Lilac Goats Milk Soap

I have always been jealous of those people who can buy a wonderfully scented soap and actually use it. I on the other hand, usually keep it in my sock drawer to enjoy the scent, because most bar soaps irritate my skin. Last year when I first decided to search the web for new products to try with my sensitive skin, I decided I should try a scented soap, if only to have a new smell for my socks.

lilac goat

I came across Homestead Soaps by accident, through the suggestion of someone on an online community when I asked about naturally made soaps. As I looked though their selection of soaps, I decided to try a goats milk soap because I had read that they were moisturizing. I looked though the different soap choices and at first looked only for something mild, but when I spotted the Lilac Goats Milk soap, I knew I needed to get it.  I adore the smell of lilac.  Even if I couldn’t use it, at least it would smell good. Continue reading “Review of Homestead Soap’s Lilac Goats Milk Soap”